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Latest News and Insights

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AI in Insurance: Navigating through the hype, drawbacks, and the awesome potential.

14 Aug 2024

Artificial intelligence is sweeping across the insurance industry like wildfire. But let's navigate through the hype, drawbacks, and the awesome potential.

RightIndem - Innovative Technology is Transforming the Insurance Industry

18 Jul 2024

RightIndem is at the forefront of this transformation, providing cutting-edge technology that allows claimants to lodge claims in the same seamless way they communicate on platforms like WhatsApp and ChatGPT.

How RightIndem are helping the unsung heroes – claims handlers – do what they do best

17 Jul 2024

Claims handlers, the unsung heroes of claims management, are getting frustrated. They want new challenges and variations in their daily routines, so why don’t we give them what they want?

How We Onboard

16 Jul 2024

Digitising the claims journey is about much more than taking an analogue process and digitising it, it is about understanding customer behaviour, channel entry points, device usage, customer barriers, customer paralysis, integration points and desired outcomes.

The HIDDEN Reason Why Conversational (Chatbot) eFNOL is Transforming Digital Claims

15 Jul 2024

While digital claims solutions indeed unlock a myriad of advantages, the real game-changer lies in a single but crucial aspect of digital claims: the adoption rate of these solutions by claimants.

Enhancing the digital claim journeys for customers and prospects.

8 Jul 2024

Our first AI models are here. We want to make your lives easier by processing claims faster and more efficiently, while still maintaining the human touch that is so important for claimants.

Embracing AI in Insurance: Why Passive Resistance is Not an Option

1 Jul 2024

The future of insurance is being shaped by AI, whether we like it or not. The question is, will we let that future be shaped by others, or will we take an active role in defining it ourselves?

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